Miami Connection
Root Down Brewing Company PresentsPhoto ID, AND proof of full vaccination OR negative PCR test result taken within 72 hours of the event required for entrance. Masks encouraged but not required.
Print courtesy of the American Genre Film Archive.
“Absurd, yes, but director Richard Park and his game and guileless cast have the highest of spirits, and the nonsense bubbles like a bottle uncorked.” – The Village Voice
Directed by 9th-degree black belt/philosopher/author/inspirational speaker Grandmaster Y.K. Kim, the one-of-a-kind MIAMI CONNECTION is one of the most entertaining martial arts films you will see made on American soil. Ever. The year is 1987. Motorcycle ninjas tighten their grip on Florida’s narcotics trade, annihilating anyone who dares move in on their turf. Multi-national martial arts rock band Dragon Sound have had enough, and embark on a roundhouse wreck-wave of crime-crushing justice in the streets of Orlando. It’ll take every ounce of their blood and courage, but Dragon Sound can’t stop until they’ve completely destroyed the dealers, the drunk bikers, the kill-crazy ninjas, the middle-aged thugs, the “stupid cocaine” . . . and the entire MIAMI CONNECTION.
Tegan Belitta has designed an original poster for this Cult Cinema screening! Posters (11″x17″) will be available for $10 at the screening of the film.

- Genre Action
- Director Woo-sang Park & Y.K. Kim
- Released 1987
- Runtime 1h 23min
- Rated R
- Studio Drafthouse Films
- CountryUnited States
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