VIP Package Includes
Seats in the first 6 rows for the Friday Night Stage Show & Run-Out
Saturday Tickets:
Flash Gordon at 1:30pm, The Blob at 4:00pm, Evil Dead 2 at 9:00pm
Sunday Tickets:
The Blob at 1:30pm, Matt McGinnis’ Movie Riffing Melee at 4pm, Gremlins 2 @ 7:30p, and Exclusive Camp Blobfest Merch
Member Ticket Limits:
S/S/M/V | 2 |
S/S/M/V Dual | 4 |
Individual Single | 2 |
Individual Dual | 4 |
Producer Single | 4 |
Producer Dual | 6 |
Family/Group | 6 |
Designer | 8 |
Director | 10 |
Visionary | 12 |
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