Old Friends: A Look Back at a Musical Journey & A Presentation of the New
Luke O'Brien PresentsAbout
“Old Friends” is an original production by Luke O’Brien. This show will be a series of musical performances that will serve as a chronological look back at Luke’s musical journey. At the beginning of the show, we will be transported to a different time and place- Baltimore Maryland circa 2007. This is when Luke wrote and recorded a song for the first time ever. The writing and recording process of that single song sparked a beautiful friendship between Luke and music. The journey that followed would lead Luke to make many songs, go many places and make many friends. On March 30, 2024 The Colonial Theatre will be filled with those friends and we will enjoy a night of music together.
The show is going to utilize the movie screen, as well as live performances in order to create a unique entertainment experience. After a series of songs performed with backing tracks, Luke will then take the stage with his and and their live instruments in order to present some new songs that Luke has been crafting and is looking forward to sharing with you. Special guest, and fellow Phoenixville native, Carrie Hytha, will be opening the night and setting the stage with her smooth guitar playing and incredible vocals.Membership at The Colonial
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