Remember the Night
“A heartwarming story based on a distinctly unique premise, sparkling comedy which always has a latent heart tug, superlative performances, an excellent script, top-notch production and direction.” – The Hollywood Reporter
Little-seen but long remembered by all who experience this hidden holiday gem. Moved by the Christmas season, New York District Attorney John Sargent (Fred MacMurray) lets pretty shoplifter Lee Leander (Barbara Stanwyck) out on bail and offers her a ride home to Indiana. Along the way they have a run-in with a Pennsylvania sheriff, meet each others’ parents, and eventually fall in love. John’s mother, however, disapproves, and warns Lee to stay away, lest she damage John’s career. Sharp screenplay by Preston Sturges.
- Genre Comedy
- Director Mitchell Leisen
- Released 1940
- Runtime 1h 34m
- Rated Passed
- Studio Universal
- CountryUnited States
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The Colonial is in the heart of Phoenixville's walkable downtown amid retailers, craft brewers, and eateries.
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