This new comedy written and directed by Brit McAdams centers on Carl Nargle (Owen Wilson), a local treasure with a soothing whisper of a voice who hosts his own painting show on Vermont public television. His art has attracted the attention of many women over the years, especially those who work at the station. But when a new painter is hired to revitalize the channel, Carl’s insecurities as an artist surface.
Featuring Ciara Renee, Wendi McLendon-Covey (The Goldbergs, Reno 911!, Bridesmaids), and Stephen Root (Office Space, Newsradio, King of the Hill, O Brother, Where Art Thou?).
- Genre Comedy
- Director Brit McAdams
- Released 2023
- Runtime 1h 36m
- Rated PG-13
- Studio IFC Films
- CountryUnited States
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The Colonial is in the heart of Phoenixville's walkable downtown amid retailers, craft brewers, and eateries.
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